Friday, March 27, 2009


Today, to avoid the similar case happen again while waiting for bus to pick us up, I take an umbrella from school (people forgot and I pick up) and waiting for that guy make his move.

when arrive town, I search for that man and want to give him my best shot and let him taste my manliness, sadly.. no sexually harassing pressence of him..


Thursday, March 26, 2009



Yesterday, when I finished my night class, i went back to my town by taking bus, once I reach my town and due to the tiredness, I sat on the bus station chair while waiting for my 11.15 pm bus, I reached my town around 10.30pm..

The bus station was so silent, only a few of the taxi drivers around and some of the passenger also waiting with me, suddenly I realized that an Indian man wearing white long blouse and a jean, was rubbing his private area in front of me and a Malay girl was sitting beside me, my heart said :" uh oh, better look away." and I spoke silently to the Malay girl and warn her to concentrate to the surrounding area, frightening that man will walk near us and try to rape any of us..

So, me and the girl is chatting and waiting, the bus station become deadly silent after the hawker store closed and some of the passenger went back with taxi or get on their bus, left only me and the Malay girl, with several man around with distance far from us. I was so scared and caution, I do not dare to let any of my guard down, it's because the Malay girl is still 17, I can't run without her, I must do what a normal human will do when facing cases like this. The Indian guy is walking around while rubbing his anal, I swear in the name of mine, if I were have a knife or wood stick around me, I will give him a hard time! But I did not bring anything believing that nothing will happen, oops, my luck was ran out on yesterday..

Till 11.15 pm, the bus to my garden has arrived, me and the Malay girl get on the bus in a fast movement, couldn't stand the man and scared thing will go worst, luckily the bus has saved us and we actually endure it more than 30 minutes... and surprisingly, the man waiting outside the bus, spotting our seat, and starting to rub his anal again outside the bus, this time, thing goes worse.. he open his jean zip and showing us his anal and rubbing it...

I am in a deep shock and furious, I asked one of the Malay man that sat behind us to look at the Indian man, that man also shocked by the action of the Indian guy and staring fiercely on the Indian man, and the Indian man ran off.

When I reached my home, I wanted to cry in front of my dad but I believe that it will make my dad worry about me, so I just told him what happened and say don't worry, and then I told my cousin about this, with half joke she said :" you earn, you should laugh not cry." In a lamenting mood I was and I told my brother about this incident, believe that brother shall understand well, but then he replied :" none of my business." that is why sometime I found that hard to communicate with them.

Couldn't bear the pain and was in a deep shock, I tried to clam myself but I couldn't.. so scared even after I spoke with one of my friend through telephone.. I still having a nightmare, I slept at one o'clock but continuously woke up every hour, and having nightmare, I cried..

But now, I feel better, I swear the next time, he is going to pay for it. May god bless me, amitabho.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I sick... body sick, the cause is i over stress my body... now it's pay back time, but i can't skip any classes, Thursday also need to work part time, what can I do?

Just keep Stress myself.. when one person is not happy, therefore he/she will get sick.

It's just old day reflect back into my mind and repeated a lot of time in my dream, i am so scared and sad, i wonder.. is that i did a lot of wrong thing? Why you all want to control me?

I don't understand why i am sick... do you know why?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Theme contest...

Maple private server, actually did bring me a lot of joys even though i am not really attached in it, but today, i sat in front of computer to play private server, only private server~ WELL, i did a lot of thing today, zaking, papu, in a numerous number, wow, i don't even realize that i killed so many of zak and papu just in one day. As usual it is private server.

Today, before i lag out from the private server, i entered into a theme contest, it start from disguise as animal, and i success to bluff myself in. Since it is the first time i go into the theme contest, i wonder what kind of contest using theme, after the briefing then i knew, it is obviously cash item contest which we can get from shop or free market monsters, so i tried hard to bluff myself in haha!! It's fun also because it relaxed my stress, i wonder did anyone miss me? like how i missed them?

But i dropped out from second round theme that is Halloween theme, i wore a chestnuts hat and a monk with coffin cape, holding pumpkin weapon, as usual, i phailed~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My favourite flower, if you want to get my heart, bring it along~~ lol

Well, yesterday i read a cover new in sin chew newspaper, unbelieveable that our politic members helding a discussion down by a tree, so i took a look what kind of tree is that so fortunate to see their evil face..

WOW!! It's unbelievable that it is the favourite flower tree i like, but it disgusted me later because they polluted my favourite tree, so i might be purifying the tree by chanting for three days.. SO DAMN UNFORTUNATE!! But to know the tree name (I don't know the tree name at all but i use to call it yellow flower tree)is really really excited me, at least people can figure it out when i tell them the favourite flower i like. kekeke~~

So, i search at the web for more detalis... it goes like this :-

Peltophorum pterocarpum

Common Names: yellow poinciana, yellow flame tree, copper-pod, yellow flamboyant treeFamily: Fabaceae/Leguminosae (bean Family)


Yellow poinciana is a very showy flowering tree up to 50' tall, with wide-spreading branches that form an umbrella-like crown up to 25' across. The stems and twigs are rusty-red tomentose (fuzzy). The leaves are bipinnate (twice compound), about 2' long with 8-20 pairs of 3/4"-long oblong leaflets. The fragrant flowers are clustered on upright stalks (racemes, actually) about 18" long. Each flower is about an inch and a half across with translucent yellow, strangely-crinkled petals. The flowers have conspicuous orange stamens and each petal has a reddish brown mark in the center. They are followed by purplish brown, flattened, oblong seed pods, 3-4" long, which remain on the tree until the next flowering season.

Yellow poinciana is native to coastal areas from Sri Lanka through the Malay archipelago and Indonesia to northern Australia. It has escaped from cultivation and established itself in disturbed areas in southern Florida and Hawaii.

Does well in semi-shade, but can tolerate full sun if well-watered. Moisture: Needs moist, but well-drained soil.Hardiness: USDA Zones 10 - 11.Propagation: Propagation of yellow poinciana is by seeds that must be treated before they will germinate. In nature, the seeds would have passed through the gut of a bird or mammal before germinating in a pile of rich "compost." We simulate that process with scarification (use a file or sandpaper), or a two-minute immersion in dilute acid or boiling water.

Yellow poincianas are usually planted as specimen trees or as shade trees. They are used as street trees in tropical cities, and commonly planted for shade in tropical and subtropical gardens. They are fast-growing and vigorous, but they cannot tolerate frost.

The name poinciana also is used for three other showy subtropical trees or shrubs in the bean family: Royal poinciana (Delonix regia), also called flame tree or flamboyant tree; dwarf poinciana (Caesalpinia pulcherrima), also called Barbados pride or peacock flower; and another dwarf poinciana (C. gilliesii), also called bird-of-paradise bush.

That's all for today, i am going to do my last revision because my exam at 11.30 Am~~ keke!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

private server maple sydney

Well, through my beloved jun (my grandson) has introduce me a private server name sydney, so i go and play awhile when i free from work or school, horrible horrible!! I REACHED LVL 215 IN JUST 3-4 TIMES I PLAY WHICH IT IS NOT OVER 1 HOURS EACH TIME, and also i dc as many time as i could, and sometime it's fun to see the NPC appear in front of my log in page, and tell u all honestly, the gm in there is very very active and EXTREMELY HOSTILE!!

But, free cash and MESOS LOT AND LOT!! well, it's only for de-stress, who cares about me anyway~ sooner i will be doing full time job and attend class part time, maybe i don't even have time to maple anymore because if I do that, most likely i will be working from Monday-Friday and attend part time class during Saturday and Sunday, it is kind of lifeless but i couldn't help it, i wish that i am a princess that living in the castle with a lot of protection...

Well, i never dream of princess or any fairy tale before, but sometime i just couldn't help it but too many sigh, i lived a happy childhood but i loses ton of childhood, i am longed to live dependably on others but I just couldn't force myself not be independent. After all i am a super tough lady..(or preferable bitch? cause i kind of rude in a way and not ladylike keke~0.0)